Canadian Hypnosis Association
Canadian Hypnosis Association
A Canadian Guild, to promote THE ART of Fusing Mind, Body and Spirit in the State of Trance
Diana Cherry

Board of Directors

Detlef Joe Friede

Detlef Joe Friede, President/ Education/Ethics/ Public Relations Dir.

Detlef -Joe- Friede is a Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist (MCH), gifted & guided quantum healing practitioner including clairaudience/ clairvoyance, CCMBA & Ho' Oponopono, Reiki, and Axiatonal Alignment Procedures.  He has had stunning and thrilling experiences learning, teaching and experiencing spiritual pathways and "Miracle " healing. He was asked by late Di B. Cherry to take on the position of CHA President in Y2012. He still holds the promise to his mentor in Year 2025.

Besides having psychic gifts and abilities, Detlef is also a skilled hypnosis facilitator and a skilled Art and Science of Hypnosis teacher on this "earthly" professional level. He is also the founder of the "Oceanside Art of Hypnosis and Energy Healing Education Centre" (

Before immigrating to Canada in 1997, he was working in senior management for the German Health Government. He holds a 2nd degree black belt in Martial Arts (Ju Jutsu) and has been working for over 25 years in the field of coaching self defense. He was also a professional trumpet player/ musician and recording artist for over 30 Years as well as a first responding BC / Canada certified level 1&2 fire fighter.

Detlef was selected and prepared by late CHA founder Di Cherrie to continue her grondbraking educational work in his role as President of CHA

Wolfgang Zilker

Wolfgang Zilker, Education/ IT/ Marketing

Wolfgang is a certified Hypnotherapist, PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Certified NES Bioenergy Practitioner and Reiki Master and Teacher Holy Fire® III.
His passion is working with energy and information in the human body, helping his clients to transmute any energetic or sub-conscious obstacles to create a happy and healthy life.